Focus on Cellulose ethers

The role of cellulose ether in the formulation of wall plaster

Wall stucco is an essential part of modern architecture, providing an excellent and attractive finish to walls. This material usually consists of a variety of ingredients such as cement, sand and water. However, the addition of cellulose ether is gaining popularity due to its unique properties, which improve the performance of wall plasters in many ways. Cellulose ethers are hydrocolloids derived from plant materials that are widely used as functional additives in a variety of applications, including wall plaster formulations. In this article, we discuss the role of cellulose ether in wall plaster formulations and how it can improve the quality of wall plaster.

Improves processability and wet adhesion

One of the most important functions of cellulose ethers in wall plaster formulations is that it improves the workability of the plaster mixture. Cellulose ethers are extremely soluble in water and when added to a wall plaster mixture they form a homogeneous and stable mixture. Adding cellulose ethers to the stucco mix improves wet adhesion, making it easier to apply the stucco to the wall.

Since cellulose ether is a water-soluble polymer, it delays the water absorption of the wall plaster and thus slows down the drying process. This property allows the plaster to remain workable for a longer period of time, allowing builders to achieve smoother surfaces. This delay in water absorption also helps reduce cracking and improves the overall quality of the wall plaster.

reduce shrinkage

Wall plaster tends to shrink as it dries, which can lead to cracking and other defects. The use of cellulose ethers in stucco formulations can reduce shrinkage of wall plaster. Cellulose ether forms a homogeneous and stable mixture with the other components of gypsum, which helps reduce the amount of water needed in the mixture.

Since water is the primary cause of shrinkage in wall plaster, reducing the water content will help limit shrinkage. The addition of cellulose ethers helps retain moisture in the stucco mixture, thereby reducing overall shrinkage of the wall stucco.

Enhance cohesion and flexibility

Cellulose ether can also enhance the adhesion and flexibility of wall plaster. Cellulose ethers increase the overall cohesion of the gypsum mixture by forming a stable and homogeneous mixture. The presence of cellulose ether also makes the plaster mixture more flexible, reducing the risk of cracking and other defects. In addition, cellulose ethers impart a certain elasticity to wall plasters, making them more impact-resistant.

Improve sag resistance

Sagging is a common problem encountered during the construction of wall plasters, especially on vertical surfaces. Adding cellulose ether to the stucco mixture can improve sag resistance and make the stucco more stable during construction. Cellulose ethers form a uniform, stable mixture that helps prevent plaster from sliding off walls. This property also makes plaster more resistant to cracking and other defects caused by sagging.

Improve water resistance

Cellulose ethers can also improve the water resistance of wall plasters. Since cellulose ether forms a homogeneous and stable mixture with water, it prevents water from penetrating the plaster. This property makes wall plaster more water-resistant, which is essential for surfaces exposed to water, such as bathrooms and kitchens.

reduce drying time

The presence of cellulose ethers in wall plaster formulations can also reduce the drying time of the plaster. Since cellulose ether delays the water absorption of the gypsum, it slows down the drying process, allowing the gypsum to dry at a more controlled rate. The reduction in drying time is beneficial, especially in humid environments where plaster may take longer to dry.

in conclusion

In conclusion, cellulose ethers are important additives in wall plaster formulations. It enhances workability, wet adhesion, cohesion, flexibility, sag resistance, water resistance and drying time of wall plasters. The use of cellulose ethers in wall plaster formulations is a cost-effective solution to many of the challenges encountered during wall plaster application. As the construction industry continues to grow, the use of cellulose ethers in wall plaster formulations is expected to increase due to their unique properties and benefits.

Post time: Aug-04-2023
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