Focus on Cellulose ethers

Mosebetsi o ka Sehloohong oa Starch Ether ke Ofe?

Mosebetsi o ka Sehloohong oa Starch Ether ke Ofe?

Starch ether ke mofuta o fetotsoeng oa starch o sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tsa indasteri le tsa khoebo. E entsoe ka ho fetola lik'hemik'hale tsa tlhaho tsa starch limolek'hule ho ntlafatsa thepa ea bona ea ts'ebetso, joalo ka bokhoni ba bona ba ho qhibiliha ka metsing, viscosity ea bona le botsitso ba bona.

Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa starch ether ke ho sebetsa e le motenya, stabilizer le binder lihlahisoa tse ngata tse fapaneng. E sebelisoa hangata indastering ea lijo, ea meriana le ea kaho, har'a tse ling.

  1. Indasteri ea Lijo

Indastering ea lijo, starch ether e sebelisoa e le ntho e teteaneng, e tsitsitseng le e kopanyang lihlahisoa tse fapa-fapaneng, ho akarelletsa le li-sauces, sopho, li-gravies le lintho tse halikiloeng. E bohlokoa haholo lihlahisoa tse se nang mafura kapa tse se nang mafura, moo e ka nkang sebaka sa sebopeho le molomo o lahlehileng ka ho tlosa mafura. Starch ether e boetse e sebelisoa ka ice cream ho thibela ho thehoa ha likristale tsa leqhoa le ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa eona.

  1. Indasteri ea Meriana

Indastering ea meriana, starch ether e sebelisoa e le binder, disintegrant, and coating agent mefuteng ea matlapa. E thusa ho tšoara letlapa hammoho le ho etsa bonnete ba hore le robeha hantle tsamaisong ea tšilo ea lijo. Ether ea starch e boetse e sebelisoa e le setenya le se tsitsitseng linthong tse nang le metsi le semisolid, tse kang litlolo le li-gel.

  1. Indasteri ea Kaho

Indastering ea kaho, starch ether e sebelisoa e le ntho e kopanyang, e teteaneng le e bolokang metsi linthong tse fapaneng tsa ho haha, tse kang samente, seretse le gypsum. E ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho tsitsisa ha lisebelisoa tsena, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li sebelisa le ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho phunyeha le ho fokotseha. Starch ether e boetse e sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa ho roala maboteng le lithaele tsa siling, ho ntlafatsa ho hanyetsa metsi le ho tšoarella.

  1. Indasteri ea Masela

Indastering ea masela, starch ether e sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa boholo, ho ntlafatsa ho satalla le ho boreleli ha masela nakong ea ho loha. E boetse e sebelisoa e le sekontiri se teteaneng le se tlamang liphaepheng tsa khatiso tsa textile, ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela lesela le ho thibela ho tsoa mali.

  1. Indasteri ea Lipampiri

Lefapheng la pampiri, starch ether e sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa boholo, ho ntlafatsa matla le ho hanyetsa metsi ha pampiri. E boetse e sebelisoa e le se tlamella le ho roala liphahlo tsa pampiri, ho ntlafatsa boreleli le ho monya ha enke.

  1. Indasteri ea Tlhokomelo ea Motho

Indastering ea tlhokomelo ea botho, starch ether e sebelisoa e le setepi le se tsitsitseng lihlahisoa tse fapa-fapaneng, tse kang li-shampoo, li-conditioner le litlolo. E thusa ho ntlafatsa sebopeho le viscosity ea lihlahisoa tsena, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li sebelisa le ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba tsona.

  1. Indasteri ea Likhomaretsi

Indastering ea likhomaretsi, starch ether e sebelisoa e le sekhomaretsi le setenya mefuteng e mengata ea likhomaretsi, joalo ka sekhomaretsi sa wallpaper le sekhomaretsi sa k'hapete. E ntlafatsa ho khomarela le ho tsitsa ha lihlahisoa tsena, ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li sebelisa le ho sebetsa haholoanyane.

Ka kakaretso, mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa starch ether ke ho ntlafatsa thepa ea ts'ebetso ea mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa le sebopeho sa tsona, viscosity, botsitso le ho khomarela. Ke motsoako o sebetsang ka bongata le oa bohlokoa liindastering tse ngata, 'me tšebeliso ea eona e kanna ea tsoela pele ho hola ha lisebelisoa tse ncha li ntse li sibolloa.

Nako ea poso: Apr-24-2023
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